Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We Want A Dog

Aaron and I have decided we want to get a puppy. And not just any puppy. But a Great Dane puppy (specifically from this place: The way we see it, we'll more than likely be in a condo/loft in Tacoma. And Great Danes are great apartment dogs. Plus, we want something big.... to "protect" me since he'll be gone a lot. And in case you weren't aware, Great Danes get big. Huge. And so tall. Which is perfect because Aaron and I are tall! So he'll fit in perfectly with us. He'll be great company, snuggly when he sleeps in the bed with us AND great protection. Who is better fit for the task than this guy? (When he's all grown up of course...)

So of course, we spent a long time thinking about dog names. Why? I have no idea- it's not like we can even get one for a while. But it was fun to at least throw some ideas around. My personal favorite? Seamus (pronounced "Shamus"). As in Seamus O'Toole (One of Owen Wilson's aliases in Wedding Crashers, along with Vince Vaughn's Bobby O'Shea). We'll see. Any ideas? Throw them my way. Don't be shy.


Dirks said...

I think Seamus is the name of Mike Myers dad in so I married an ax murderer...a great movie and all the more reason to name your new dog that. Loving the new blog!

Robby said...

Great Dane = Good Idea. Kansas thinks so as well.