Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ya Never Know How Ya Look Til Ya Get Yer Picture Took

I have the best fiance in the entire world. It's true. I've said this many times before... the latest example? We (mostly by my begging) decided that we do need to have a digital camera. As a young married couple just starting out, we'll want to have photos of all of the fond memories to look back on one day. SO, in lieu of this revelation, he bid on (and won...for a great price, might I add...) a new Canon Digital Rebel just like my old one (minus the lense, since the thieves were not able to take that with them) and so now, once it arrives in the mail, I'll be able to shove yet another camera in peoples' faces all the time and document any and every second of my life and the lives of those around me.
Who here is excited?


Emmett & Kathryn Turner said...

Did you have to make some sort of a deal with him??