I think in the insanity of all that's been going lately, we all forgot that Monday was MLK Day and that, among the other important meanings of that day, the boys wouldn't have to go into work. So, the usual crowd--Aaron, me, Pete and Emily-- plus our new friend Brittany decided to take a trip to Paradise, which is in Mt. Ranier National Park just about at the base of the mountain. We had no idea what to expect as far as weather except that it was supposed to be a gorgeous day (finally). Gorgeous it was... the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky and as we got closer to the park, the snow in the fields we passed and along the side of the road got higher and higher and once we were into the park itself, it was up over the speed limit signs.
Once we got to the top and stood face-to-face with this gorgeous mountain that you can see from just about anywhere in Tacoma and Seattle, we didn't even know what to do with ourselves. There were people walking around with skis, snow pants, snow shoes, tubes, etc... And we were in long-sleeve shirts, jeans and hiking boots. Obviously, because of all of the snow they'd recently gotten, there was no hiking to be had that day. So instead, we popped open the tailgate and ate the lunch we'd packed in the parking lot.... and then left. It was about an hour and a half drive there--only to eat lunch in a parking lot, but what a beautiful parking lot it was. And it was better than sitting around in our room all day...
Standing up in the mountains with an even larger one behind us (Mt. Ranier)
Eating lunch in the parking lot...

Me, Emily and Brittany
were you knockin' on heavens door?
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