Monday, February 9, 2009

Honey, We're Home

We officially became homeowners this afternoon when we got the keys to the new place! To say we were "excited" or "happy" would be a bit of an understatement... I'm pretty sure we were both giddy on the ride over, smiling from here to here (I'm holding my hands far apart in a demonstration you can't see) the whole way home. Our VERY kind friends helped us bring the stuff over from base--it took 3 cars full and 5 people but we got it all (including the piano) in one trip. Aaron and I are staying on base one last night since we already had to pay for tonight and tomorrow, I get up early, pick up Emily and we head over to the new house to wait for the movers to deliver the first round of our belongings while Aaron goes to work to mission plan for his first flight on Wednesday.

And of course, as promised, here are a few pics of the new place. We'll call these the "before" pics (For some reason they loaded a little funny) And like an idiot, I forgot to take pics of the outside of the house. Until I can get those up, just use your imagination--and include in the picture a white picket fence... because it has one of those :)

When we arrived, the woman who sold us the house had left us a very sweet and informational note--it talked about the flowers we'd see blooming, the grape arbor in the back (that really grows beautiful red seedless grapes!) and our favorite part: she told us about the cool, hole-in-the-wall restaurants in our new neighborhood. She also left us a bottle of wine... it was all a nice surprise.

Pete showing Aaron how excited he is for him!

Me with "the movers"

Our bedroom

The Guest Room

Our kitchen!

Another view of the kitchen

And yet another view of the kitchen... (it's my favorite part of this house)

The Dining room

Some different views of the living room

And a couple of very happy homeowners :)


Dirks said...

SUPER cute..can't wait to see the outside of it.