Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gig Harbor Anyone?

I found a new website that I've been pouring over this morning... When I get distracted at work, I tend to do a lot of things. One is scour the internet for pictures of Seattle/Tacoma, etc... houses, jobs for when we move, etc... During my research (and in talking to a few folks about the Seattle/Tacoma area), many folks have recommended we look at living in the Gig Harbor area. So today I found It's the blog of a real estate agent out there, but he has up a lot of neat pictures and it shows a lot about the festivals and different areas of town and what nots that go on in the area. Needless to say, I'm now hooked on the idea and will be spending a majority of the rest of my day googling (and google imaging) Gig Harbor. You should too. It looks absolutely beautiful out there.

Also, stay tuned: I'm going with friends to a Snoop Dog concert in Charlotte tonight (Yep. Snoop). If I still had my camera, I'd say that some new funny pictures will be posted later. But alas, I am camera-less. But I'm sure there will, at the very least, be some hilarious stories. More to come on that later...


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just sent you an email but I'm the girl in Tacoma whose blog you found by accident!

I work part time in Gig Harbor and it is BEAUTIFUL. Like I said, feel free to email or call with any questions you may have about Tacoma/Seattle/Gig Harbor, etc! I am confident that you will love it here!