Monday, July 21, 2008

A Good Samaritan

This morning, I received a call from one of my credit card companies... she said her name, where she was from, and then asked if I had "lost" my wallet recently. I told her it hadn't been lost as much as it had been stolen--and that the wallet was still in my posession but everything in it had been taken from me by some lower-than-slime coward in the night. (Oh, do I still seem a little angry about it?). Anyway, Karin said she had a man on the other line who called them because he said he had found one of my credit cards. At first, I thought it sounded a LITTLE fishy (as did she... she didn't want to give the man my number, as she shouldn't). She tried to connect our calls to each other but couldn't, so she took down his name and phone number and gave it to me so that I could call him.

When I did, a sweet sounding older man answered the phone. His name is Sheldon. After we get through some formalities (and I'm treating him as he may or may not be the suspect who now is just trying to get some of my information), he says "So are you in Hilton Head too?" (Going through my mind at this point is: "Hilton Head? Hilton Head. Those PUNKS broke into my car and then took a vacay down to Hilton Head?"). I explained to him that I am not... he tells me that he owns a business in a strip mall in Hilton Head and that he had found several of my belongings in the landscaping beside the parking lot, including 2 credit cards and a savings account debit card. I gave him my work address and my work phone number (JUST in case this "Sheldon" was trying to pull a fast one). He ended up calling me back a few minutes later because he said he had gone to take another gander around and was able to locate my check card as well, asked if I wanted him to cut them up before he put them in the mail AND told me he would UPS them to me. What a nice guy...

Thanks to Sheldon, I now have a SMALL bit of my faith restored in the human race. Having a complete stranger find my credit card and going above and beyond to call the company to alert them (and me) that he found it was such a sweet thing to do and made me realize that not ALL people are yellow-bellied worthless creeps who break into cars and take other people's things as if they are their own. I am very grateful to Sheldon for reminding me that there ARE in fact nice people out there... that people can (and do) still watch out for their "fellow man."

Now if only I could convince him to recruit some folks to search the entire island of Hilton Head for my camera and my social security card, I'd be one happy camper...