Tuesday, July 29, 2008


As you can see, the blog has undergone a drastic makeover. It's like Extreme Home Makeover...only with a blog. And I'm the host (not Ty Pennington...thank goodness...). AND more than likely, this makeover won't make you all emotional like that show does. Or is that just me?

Anyway, I digress. I stumbled upon this SEATTLE template while I was working hard at the office, and decided that while we're not moving to Seattle and are in fact moving to Tacoma, the two DO share an airport. And the airport is named Setac...(Seattle + Tacoma = Setac), so they're basically the same place. Plus, when everyone comes to visit us, we'll drive over to Seattle since they're close. (Less than an hour apart). We'll visit the Space Needle. We'll go to that place where they toss the fish around (once I live there, I'll be down with all of the local lingo and not have to preface the names of popular locations with "that place").

While this new look was very exciting to me (I'm a simple minded gal... it doesn't take much to make me happy), this template could not accomodate me keeping the countdown clock on the right, SO it had to be moved down to the bottom of the page. I know, I know... who scrolls down to the bottom of a blog? The new stuff is always at the top. BUT, just know that when you're wondering "Man, I wonder how much longer until the most fun weekend of all of our lives?" just scroll all the way to the bottom and it will tell you how much longer (down to the second) is left until the big day.

That being said, I have only 3 days left of work. Which means only 3 days until I move back home to prepare, as Michelle has said, "for matrimonial submission and bliss." I'm heading to Atlanta this weekend to babysit Marjorie - yes, for the entire weekend- and I hope to borrow my mom's camera so I can get some good shots. Then after that, it's less than 2 weeks until the Annual Veazey Beach Trip...that which I like to call Veazothon... I plan to never move myself from the beach or the pool and get as tan as is humanly (and safely) possible. Until I write to you all again, I wanted to draw your attention to a new blog: www.emmettandkathryn.blogspot.com. Tucc and Emmett have officially begun a blog to keep everyone up to date with Emmett's golf tourneys and Kathryn's exciting day-to-day life as the wife of a golfer (and that of a pharmaceutical sales rep...). When I move home, I'm sure it will be updated regularly with tales of our nightly viewings of Law and Order over a pitcher (or 2) of sangria... stay tuned...