So I've been trying to figure out how to upload the "highlights" portion of our wedding dvd to the blog and can't for the life of me figure it out... I did however find out from our dvd guy that he had already put the highlights portion on youtube... While he did have to take down the original music that accompanied it because of copyright stuff and add some almost-depressing sounding violin music, here it is, in all its glory. BUT if you mute the youtube volume and just play it with the music I recently added to the blog, it makes it a little better--happier, not quite as depressing :) This video is especially great because it shows Dad knocking my veil off which, other than the actual getting married part, was probably the most memorable event of the night :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wedding Highlights Video!
Posted by Becca at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Another One???
Posted by Becca at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
What Is That Bright Thing In The Sky?
I never thought I'd be so excited to see the sun... Over the past 2 weeks (since Aaron's been gone), the weather has been TERRIBLE. We've had one or two peaks of the sun for about 30 minutes at a time since then and it has definitely been wearing on my disposition. But this morning, after the snow melted, I saw this beautiful sun outside so I had to take a picture. And since I've shown you pics of the house in the snow, I figured I should show you some of the house in the sunlight too - even the house looks happier :) It's going to be a good day...
Posted by Becca at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Junior Daffodil Parade
Today, Howard and I got to experience the 48th Annual Junior Daffodil Parade in our neighborhood. We woke up to the parade participants lining up in the field across the street from our house and the sounds of marching bands practicing their tunes. Of course it was raining. Isn't it ALWAYS raining here? Ugh... but Howard and I loaded up- me with a rain jacket, gollashes and camera, him with the leash, and we headed up the street in the downpour. Even with the bad weather, a LOT of people still came out for it- I suppose they're used to it. Howard, of course, was a hit. He waltzed through the crowd like a paid professional... he might as well have been shaking hands and kissing babies. Someone was handing out dog treats for free, so of course I grabbed a handful. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of Howard enjoying the show (Had I let go of the leash, I'm pretty sure he would've jumped in to join them) but here are a few I got from mine and Howard's big date this morning...
Posted by Becca at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Perfect Timing...
Posted by Becca at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
They Came, They Saw, They... Conquered
Or something like that...
We had a blast. I picked them up Saturday night and piled them (and all of their bags) into the truck. The four of us...squeezed into the Extended Cab Toyota Tacoma. Was it tight? Yes. Did we have a choice? No. Luckily, it wasn't raining, so all of their bags went into the very back of the truck (of course, we didn't have the same luck when I brought them back to the airport tonight... more details on that a little further down). I will say that Joyce, the first time flyer, packed the best-- only a couple of outfits (appropriate, since she'd only be here for about 2.5 days) and she packed it all into a bag that she didn't even have to check. I was impressed...
Sunday, we ventured out to the base and drove around a little bit. We then took in some lunch at a cute place not far from the house and drove over to Gig Harbor after that so that they could see it. After a run to Tacoma Boys with Mom (a local market) to pick up some seafood, Emily came and over and we cooked dinner and Joyce and I showed Emily how to play Gin Rummy. Because she totally started kicking our tails after just a couple of games, we came to the conclusion we'd been hussled and vowed privately to never play with her again... (We take cards very seriously in the Veazey family...)
Monday involved another lunch outing and another trip to the base--but this time we went to the BX. Once inside, I thought I'd never get them out. Again, Joyce (a former military wife who regularly visits the base down in Jacksonville) was the easy one. However, we lost Aunt Joan in the purse and wallet section and Mom set up camp in make-up and perfume. After grabbing a few souveniers for everyone back home, Mom and I made it to the check out counter and when we couldn't find Aunt Joan or Joyce, mom went to "look for them..." It was then that I heard an announcement for them over the loud speaker in the BX... yeesh... Anyway, we finally made it out of there and back home for a lovely southern meal cooked by Mom (including pot roast, collard greens, pea salad, etc... you get the gist...).
Their last day in town involved a trip into Seattle. But it was raining. This begged the question, what do we do with all of your bags? (I won't say whose bag was the biggest... but her name was Joan...and since there were two Joans on this trip, you'll just have to use your imagination). Well, we somehow managed to get everything in the cab of the truck. But it wasn't comfortable for anyone involved (except really the lady with the biggest bag who somehow wound up in the roomiest seat--the passenger seat) This was the result (it doesn't NEARLY do it justice):
Like sardines, we packed into the car and headed into Seattle to look around, eat some seafood and then I dropped them off at the airport. There were some funny things that happened, but I won't publish those for the world to see on the blog- they'll be reserved for a Veazey-family mass email to go out tomorrow. But we had so much fun, ate some good food and laughed a lot and I was sad to see them go.... it's definitely too quiet around here. But I AM exhausted-- did I mention the fact I haven't slept in days? A certain someone refused to transition to West Coast time and woke up every morning around 3 or 4 am and began banging things around (not even sort of quietly) in the kitchen making coffee.... Guess who it was! (Hint: not me...)
Howard took quite a liking to his Aunt Joyce...
As all women should, they spent most of their time in the kitchen cooking... I hope *all (all 2 of you) of my faithful readers know I'm joking...
Seafood feast at the Crab Pot in Seattle...
Posted by Becca at 11:20 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
On Second Thought...
Posted by Becca at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Fun Recipe
I don't fancy myself to be a great cook... I'm getting better, but I still have a hard time thinking up things to cook. Which is why I depend on my friends to give me ideas :) At the Training Day chili lunch thing at the squadron the other day, my friend Emily (who is a GREAT cook) made Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili. It was delicious... and healthy! So, courtesy of Emily (and Cottage Living), here's the recipe--I felt I had to share:
The recipe says to serve it over rice or chicken or something, but we had it just by itself and it was perfect that way as well...
Posted by Becca at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Again? Really?
I woke up around 5am to let Howard out to use the restroom and there was just a trace of snow on the ground. "Hmmm... that's weird... I didn't know it was supposed to snow at all" And I check the weather very faithfully since living here since it changes so frequently. Fast forward to about 8 when I woke up for good and I looked up at the skylight above my bed and it was covered in snow. For some reason, I didn't think much of it. Then I let Howard outside again, and this is what I saw:
Posted by Becca at 9:20 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
On A Brighter Note...
... Aaron and I ran up the street to Metropolitan Market yesterday to pick up some paninis to grill. We went as soon as he got home from work so he was still in his flight suit (and new leather flight jacket! I like it so much better than the green one... and he got it for free after completing his dollar ride). Let me preface this story with the fact that I had some preconceived notions about the people out here in ole Washington State prior to moving here that I'm not very proud of... in the same way that I'm sure people here have some interesting ideas about us good ole cousin-kissing southerner's ;) (insert THICK sarcasm there...we southerners don't really do that... at least not where I come from) But a good ole traditional patriotic appreciation for our troops and what they do (some on a daily basis) was not a characteristic that I had attributed to Pacific Northwesterners when I was stereotyping them to prepare myself to move here. Coming from Enid, Oklahoma where you can't walk into a grocery store without someone seeing your military i.d. and offering up the discount you didn't even know was available to you, Aaron and I weren't quite expecting hospitality like that around every corner of Tacoma. And while I'm sure not everyone here is like this, just like not everyone in the south is like this either, while standing in the panini line at this "posh" market in the Proctor District, a lady in front of us otherwise minding her own business (and who looked, from mere appearances, like she may lean a little to the left politically) turned around and said to Aaron simply "Thank you for serving..." and smiled politely and turned back around. Out of all of the kind gestures I've seen since I've been here (and there have been many- from compliments on my rainboots just about anywhere I go, to some of the friendliest neighbors just walking down the street in front of our house stopping to say "hello" and "welcome to the neighborhood"...) that was by far the one that made me (and Aaron) smile the biggest. And it made me so proud to be out in public standing there next to him. Definitely one of my biggest ever "Proud to be an American" moments (cue Lee Greenwood)....
Posted by Becca at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Going, Going... He's Gone
Woke up at 6:15 this morning to take Aaron and another guy from the squadron to the airport. Aaron says he'll be back "hopefully" (emphasis on that word) by April the 18th. Wow. That does seem like a long time... Not sure how exactly to keep myself occupied enough to not get too sad while he's gone... I almost feel like I need to ration out some chores and activities over the next several weeks to even it all out. And the weather here is really not cooperating- it's rainy today and is supposed to stay this way all week. That's just not helpful when you're already trying hard not to be so sad. Thoughts/ideas on how to occupy myself? Feel free to contribute... Or you know, to come visit me... whichever... :)
Posted by Becca at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Never A Dull Moment
The weather is beautiful outside so I have the front door open while I've been folding laundry, drinking coffee and google chatting. While I was sitting here at the dining room table, Howard took off past me to go outside...only he had one of my flip-flops in his mouth. Have I mentioned he's gotten quite a bit more comfortable in his new home? :)
In other news, Aaron's 15-day trip got pushed back a day to Friday. I was SO excited- it's rare (I feel ) that you ever are surprised with GOOD news. So we had a nice relaxing night and went on a date to a little restaurant up the street. This extra day together was so unexpected, it definitely put quite the spring in my step.
Then came Thursday. I left for the squadron to bring some chili I made to a Training Day lunch while Aaron stayed home to pack for his trip. Then I got a phone call from him that now he wasn't leaving on Friday at all. I was so excited. Until I found out that he'd instead be leaving Saturday for Air Drop school in Oklahoma for 4 weeks. Yeesh. Nothing like a violent shove back into reality. So I'm getting ready for a month or so without him--he, in Oklahoma while I'm in Washington taking care of the house and Howard. Luckily, Mom, Aunt Joan and Aunt Joyce are all coming out on the 21st for a few days. Golden Girls come to town!!
Posted by Becca at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Couch
Aaron and I finally received our first big home purchase (other than the house itself): OUR COUCH! We bought it a few weeks ago and it was delivered yesterday. I even convinced the guys who delivered it to move our other (gross) couch out to the garage until the Salvation Army can come pick it up. This "southern" accent (which is not southern AT ALL but people here think so because I say "y'all" alot) really comes in handy out here sometimes :)
And that gracing the back of the couch is our alpaca blanket... Howard loves it ("loves" = chews on it) and it's actually pretty warm. And the chest in front of it is Aaron's great-grandfather's WWII chest... Please pardon the mess around the couch...
What'dya think?
Posted by Becca at 8:57 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Smile, You're On A Web Cam
Posted by Becca at 8:06 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Big Week
The movers and the ADT installers showed up on Wednesday (the 4th) at the exact same time. It was overwhelming enough to have several people saying "Excuse me, Mrs. Scogin? I have a question..." at the exact same time. But then Aaron, who was supposed to have the "day off" (if there's such a thing for him right now) got called into work to mission plan for a flight the next day, thus leaving me, the movers and the ADT man alone together to get everything installed and moved in and set up by the end of the day because our very first house guests (Rach and Adam) were arriving the next day (also my birthday!). Cue a very stressed Becca. Luckily, my friend Brittany called and offered (OFFERED!) to come help me get everything put away since she remembered we had family coming the next day. I was SO glad. So since I last blogged, we now have furniture, I'm an entire year older, and it's snowed twice.... (and is snowing as we, type... and both boys--Aaron and Howard--are napping).
We had a blast with Rach and Adam and tried to shove a lot of fun into just a few days. I think we managed okay :) I'll let the pictures do the talking...
Anyone who knows me well knows that one of my favorite things to do at night time is to fall asleep on the couch... well, we haven't had a couch for so long that I haven't been able to. So the very first night we had one, guess what I did... (and lured Howard into doing with me)

Howard had had a biiiig week and was just plain tuckered out... so he passed out in his new favorite spot--right by the door... and in his new favorite position--flat on his back.

We decided to do a little "On Demand" Karaoke and included a few instruments we had laying around. Adam had really taken to the mandolin and the organ, while I had made a remote control into a microphone...

Adam and Howard did some bonding...

And Rach and Howard did some bonding...

Howard had his first vet appointment today and he did great- he was quite the hit with the ladies in the office and strutted his stuff the entire time he was there. Wednesday, we get our chimney fixed AND they are delivering our NEW COUCH!!! I never knew I could be so very excited about a couch... but I guess it's just a sign of the new maturity I've reached in my old age :)
Posted by Becca at 4:16 PM 0 comments