Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Couch

Aaron and I finally received our first big home purchase (other than the house itself): OUR COUCH! We bought it a few weeks ago and it was delivered yesterday. I even convinced the guys who delivered it to move our other (gross) couch out to the garage until the Salvation Army can come pick it up. This "southern" accent (which is not southern AT ALL but people here think so because I say "y'all" alot) really comes in handy out here sometimes :)

And that gracing the back of the couch is our alpaca blanket... Howard loves it ("loves" = chews on it) and it's actually pretty warm. And the chest in front of it is Aaron's great-grandfather's WWII chest... Please pardon the mess around the couch...

What'dya think?

More updated pics of the house to come one of these days for you family and friends far away...


Emily said...

i like! and no, we do not have the same couch.

mbh said...

i really think that map on the wall brings it all together nicely.