Saturday, March 28, 2009

Junior Daffodil Parade

Today, Howard and I got to experience the 48th Annual Junior Daffodil Parade in our neighborhood. We woke up to the parade participants lining up in the field across the street from our house and the sounds of marching bands practicing their tunes. Of course it was raining. Isn't it ALWAYS raining here? Ugh... but Howard and I loaded up- me with a rain jacket, gollashes and camera, him with the leash, and we headed up the street in the downpour. Even with the bad weather, a LOT of people still came out for it- I suppose they're used to it. Howard, of course, was a hit. He waltzed through the crowd like a paid professional... he might as well have been shaking hands and kissing babies. Someone was handing out dog treats for free, so of course I grabbed a handful. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of Howard enjoying the show (Had I let go of the leash, I'm pretty sure he would've jumped in to join them) but here are a few I got from mine and Howard's big date this morning...