Saturday, March 21, 2009

On Second Thought...

It's only 9:30am here on the West Coast, and I've already received 2 phone calls from what we'll call "concerned" family members asking me if I'm sure I'm "ready" for this visit from "The Golden Girls..." I had been feeling like I was ready... like I'll be able to handle them all on my own. But because of all of the attention it has brought from Veazeys around the country, now I'm beginning to second guess myself. Am I really ready for this? And more importantly, is the Pacific Northwest itself prepared for this invasion of 60-70 yr old southern women who don't fly often, one whom has never flown (all carrying what I'm sure are bags which have been packed way over capacity for their only 3 day visit), their often loud southern accents and their unfamiliarity with a culture unlike what they may find in GA/FL? Brace yourself, Tacoma/Seattle area... this could be a very bumpy and yet thrilling ride... one which I'm sure none of us will ever forget and yet will thoroughly enjoy! :)

Stay tuned for pictures, hilarious stories, and if we're all lucky, some video documentation of this historic visit...
**Disclaimer** All of the above said in jest, of course, as I am obviously thrilled and flattered that the matriarchs of the Veazey family are travelling all the way across the country to spend a few days with me and keep me company in my husband's absense. But you must admit: it will still be hilarious...