Here's the latest email update from Adam:
Hi all, I apologize for the lack of updates. There hasn’t been much to say after our initial visit with the hematologist, but today’s appointment gave us a little more to report.
Since leaving the hospital, Eloise has seemed like any other baby. She’s eating, sleeping, gaining weight, is alert and having a great time with her sisters. Aside from monitors for her heartbeat and breathing, everything is normal and we are very thankful for that.
While various disorders continue to be ruled out, some tests needed to be re-taken for various reasons. This morning they, again, checked her hemoglobin and found that it had returned to very low levels and also determined that her body is producing fewer red blood cells. In turn, this has caused her heart to have be slightly tachycardic (meaning, it’s beating faster, trying to do more). In response, the doctors have recommended that she be transfused in the morning in order to stabilize her hemoglobin and prevent any further over-working of her heart. Obviously, this is not the news we were hoping or expecting to hear, but we’re hopeful the transfusion will bridge the gap and give her body time to correct itself.
As for a diagnosis, we’re still unclear. The one test that has come back as a possibility is for a G-6-PD deficiency. This would be a little odd because it rarely takes place in females and almost never in Caucasians – so we’d be 0 for 2 on those. However, it remains a possibility and we’re told that she could live a normal and long life with proper monitoring if that’s the case. We continue to hope that her little body will simply heal itself, but we’ll take a little extra monitoring any day over some of the worse things we’ve heard about.
We continue to be grateful for your encouraging words and prayers.
They also found out that she has to have a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday morning at 8... Please continue to pray for their family and little Eloise.