Saturday, May 30, 2009

Spring Has Definitely Sprung...

We have some amazing flowers blooming in our yard as of late and they're just gorgeous. Sometimes I walk by a plant, go inside for a few minutes, come back out and another blossom has exploded with another beautiful and brightly colored flower. I feel much more "well versed" in the language of flowers since living here and thus having this "accidental garden" in my own backyard. I now know what a poppy is (and I've also been told that opium is made from poppies... who knew?). I now can say that I have my own rose bushes (yep- plural...). And I can also now say that I have not yet killed my hanging plants AND that my petunias are actually blossoming!

I feel like.... like.... AN ADULT!!

My babies that I've raised from birth... :)

STILL alive... (although we got into some dangerous territory where their future was questionable for a little while there...)

Our first rose blossom!

Poppy in front of our house
(Noteworthy: This photo has not been edited at all... this is the actual color... so bright!)

One of the huge ferns that have popped up in our backyard

Our grape arbor grew some leaves seemingly overnight... it's so pretty now

Our happy, colorful, flower-surrounded house