The weather today has been unbelievable... it's days like today that make me grateful to be living where I'm living. Maybe back home it's this pretty when the sun is out and I just appreciate it more here because the sun is rarely out. But I really do think sometimes that this is the most beautiful place in the world on a pretty day...
Anyway, because spring is (finally) in the process of... well... "springing" and everything is turning green and flowers are blooming, I ran down to the little nursery up the street and chatted with my pal there (he helps me everytime I'm in there, which has been a lot lately... mostly just looking) and I told him simply that I am where plants come to die. But I'd like to not be that anymore. And I was interested in some "hangy down plants" as I so eloquently called them and also something to stick in a big pot that I had. And I needed them all to be very resiliant- for it to be tough for me to accidentally end their pretty little lives.
He suggested petunias for the pot on the porch. So I planted them. Here they are. So cute. (He said they'd grow and be flowing over the sides of the pot soon...).
He also suggested these for the "hangy down plants"...
I think they're so pretty.
And, due to no effort on mine or Aaron's part, our yard has started blossoming some gorgeous flowers.
Not sure what they are? They almost look like tulips but in the sunshine, they open up really big like this, and after the sun goes down, they close up and look like tulips again. Or is that a tulip? Is that what tulips do? I don't know. If you do, please tell me.
Then the Rhododendron. Native to Washington state. So so pretty- we have about 6 of these plants in our front yard alone and this is the first one to bloom so big. We've also got some pink ones.
Anyway, if all goes well, and I don't do the impossible and kill my new plants, I'll post pictures of their progress... As my pops would say (I've been quoting him a lot lately!) "I'm just tryin' to make this little house a home..."
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